Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm getting back to Writting

I'm ending my hiatus from writing real posts. I'm back in the saddle. Okay, to fill you in on the last couple of weeks is simple. I spend most of my time searching the Internet. Half of my time is spent on sports websites*, and the other half is spent reading the news. The news was so depressing, all I wanted to write about was how the world is going to kill itself, how the dollar will collapse, how Sarah Palin** looks more like an "American pageant contestant" than a Vice President Candidate or more like the "VP of the school board" than the VP of the United States. Basically, I was reading a lot of doom and gloom for our country, which is very depressing.

*About five months ago, I put 100 dollars into a sports betting account. I dubbed this "entertainment" the first sign of an addiction. In five months, I have built the 100 dollar "entertainment into $325. I'm not great at it, but I'm pretty consistent. I can see why gambling can be dangerous, especially when you're winning. Secondly, anything that has a sub language is dangerous. Drugs, for example, have a language all to themselves. Here is some of the slang in the drug world. Sports betting is no different, complete with words upon words that a layman would not understand. I know this is an addictive endeavor, because the language is a dead give away. I'll monitor my status for a week to see if I'm addicted to gambling or not, based on the signs of this website.

** Sarah Palin is great, if just for the fact that Tina Fey can spoof her. What an uncanny resemblance. I can't tell a difference!

Then the house vetoed the 700 billion dollar Bailout plan, and I regained some hope. With that little silver of hope, I have decided to spilt my time between sports websites, and watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia via the website (which illegally allows you to access thousands of TV shows) Apparently, all I needed was a little Charley Day in my life, because I got the bug to write again. No more doom and gloom!

North Korea has started up their nuclear program once again, after disabling for relief. They want to be taken off the Axis of Evil list or the Terror Whathaveyou List, but Washington wants to see more progress first. Whatever, I am not a diplomat, I don't care. Just realize I am less than 100 miles from an arsenal of weapons that could turn Seoul into a lake of fire. I have never been more scared in my life (maybe a slight hyperbole) than when I saw fighter jet after fighter jet fly by heading north. It felt like I was out a scene from Independence Day. I was sure Will Smith was up there winking at me from his cockpit, telling me everything would be alright.

This was just a Lazy Sunday mind you, just a pleasant weekend afternoon, yet I knew Armageddon was upon us. Why would ten to fifteen US fighter jets be heading north? What part of Seoul is burning to the ground? Every Korean was looking up to the sky as well, which did not help relieve any of the tension in my mind. I was a deer in headlights wondering what to do.

"What should we do Meg? Should we take the subway South, maybe down there we can avoid all the potential nuclear fallout. Do subways make good bomb shelters? I know the London subway protected the Queen during World War II. Hey, if it's good enough for royalty it's good enough for us. We'll need some sort of a shank, we'll probably have to resort to cannibalism down there. I expect everyone to head underground. Don't worry, you'll be safe. If the bombs turn everyone into Zombies... well, we'll cross that bridge when it comes. " Those were the frantic thoughts spewing forth from my mind. You think crazy now, but have you ever been that close to imminent death?

My thoughts were calmed mere minutes later when Meg remembered that there was an Air Show at one of the military bases in Seoul. A calming sensation ran through my body, yet it was tainted with fear because this situation could happen at any moment. Aw, living a life in fear is never the way to live, I say that as I look at the homemade shank on my desk. Better safe than sorry!

Man, writing is your mood put on paper or in this case blog. After watching three back-to-back episodes of my new favorite sitcom ever, I feel as crazy as Charley. Most of what I said is all joking of course, but how would you like to live under the world's fifth largest standing army and this guy:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.