What age students do you teach?
I teach middle school students. They range from 12 - 14.
Do you like teaching?
The first day was awful. I did not plan enough material. It was my fault. Plus, I am teaching a second language, so it was not like I could easily fill the void with questions and stories. But day 2 was a lot smoother and today was even better than Day 2. I think I will like it.
How many hours do you teach?
I teach 16 classes a week at 70 minutes a class. I work around 30 hours a week.
Do you like Korea?
Yes. This was a great decision. It is still early, but this place is exciting. I don't know anything yet, and I am still having a lot of fun.
Who do you teach?
I am told we teach a more blue collar clientele. I have one student who has spent time in America, and could teach the class as well as me. Classes never have more than 15 students. I have a couple of 4 children classes too. Usually it's around 15 kids though.
14 years ago
is there a legal drinking age there? you mentioned earlier that drinking was an "epidemic" I believe. are there advertisements for alcohol like there are here? or do you mostly contribute it to the cheapness?
Legal drinking age is 19. I can't read, so I don't know to what extent they are advertising. I would be surprised if it is more than in the US though. It is because of the cheapness and the stress of Korean life. Think about it; 40 million people are competing for good jobs in an area not even as big as Pennsylvannia. The students go to school from 9 in the morning to ten at night (with a few breaks here and there). Its stressful.
plus all the stress from not getting enough done because they're drunk or hungover most of the time
I would contribute the cheapness to the fact that the popular drink - soju - is mainly made from rice.
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