Monday, November 24, 2008


My students will often say explicit words in class. I have heard that the most exported words in the English language are okay and other four letter words. I feel like a parent in these situations. How should I discipline these youngsters for cussing? Do they know what the word means and how offensive it is? I always try to uphold a decent classroom, meaning I try to make it a good learning environment, so I usually scold them while trying to educate them on the word they just used.

One of my fellow co-workers had quite the amusing story today. Her students were supposed to pick emotions, and then act them out like Gestures. One little boy, a nine year old, picked the emotion shocked. He then yelled, "Oh Fuck!" He then proceeded to grab his own throat and strangle himself. He was then dead. That was his act. Shocked would be the right emotion, especially for the teacher! How do you discipline that? Where do you begin?

Alright here is a list of how people have gotten to this site via google searches. These are the only ones I have documented. This is just interesting to me probably.
  • If you type in Brookersider Bar

This is funny. I misspelled the bar name. It's Brooksider. Someone else made the same mistake and wound up here. Worst mistake of their life.

  • dumaytravels

Easy enough right. Someone was looking for this blog. You have to type it all in one word though.

  • imos pizza posnanski

This is just a funny search. Imos pizza is my favorite pizza in the world, and Posnanski is my favorite writer who happens to hate Imos. This was also a random search.

  • Korean skyscrappers 2008 pusan

Well, once again there is a mistake in my writing, and the searchers. Pusan is officially (I think) spelled Busan. And of course I misspelled skyscrapers.

The moral of this is: make sure you have the right spellings of what you are searching for or you could end up in a dead end site like this!!!

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