Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Busan Pictures

It's not easy to make Zach look average or even small but I make it happen here. He must be on his knees.
We ate at our local mall today*. The food court of our mall is similar to the setup of a mall back home. And before my very eyes I saw the cutest thing. A little girl, maybe three years old, was running around the food court by herself. She then fell... hard. She began to scream, wince, and grab her knee. She yelled, "Oma, Oma!"** And her mom was nowhere to be found. She started to panic. After her tenth hysterical Oma bellow, we saw a little Korean lady run towards her child. The little girl was calmed immediately at the sight of her mother. It was pretty cute. If she could express her feelings, she would have said this: "I fell Mom! Right on my knee and it hurt so bad! I thought the pain was going to kill me! Where were you when I needed you? I know I just ran away, but I was bored! I hate that prison you call a stroller!*** I needed you, and you weren't there."

*The malls here are more like Department stores back home, only they are like 15 stories and not nearly as wide. The individual stores share the open space, so it feels like one store with different departments. It is hard to tell where one store begins and another ends.

**The Korean word for Mom is Oma. Dad is Apa. How similar are those to Ma and Pa? Now that I think about it, many languages share common sounding words for mother and father.

***Seoul is so dense so public transportation is rampant. That means less cars. That means more walking. That means you might need a serious stroller if you're a mother out shopping. The strollers in Korea are INTENSE. They look more like a 350 cc ATV than a baby carriage. They are designed to go through subway turnstiles, fold into pancakes, go over curbs, and ride escalators. They even have weather guarding plastic shields. The link does not due them justice. The wheels on these strollers exceed 12 inches!

The random thing I'm craving today: A Couch
It is 10:13 at night on Wednesday. I get off work in an hour. I really just want to channel surf while lying on a couch. But I have no couch. Nor have I been on a couch in a long, long time. There is not a lot of room for a couch, when you're living in a small apartment.

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