Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dr. Fish

I had an interesting weekend involving fish. Not raw fish, but actual live fish. I got a pedicure from two different types of fish. One was a sucker, the other a biter. Dr. Fish Cafe, which is really a bar, (with this fish gimmick) is home to this unique experience.

(Meg's feet)

These fish are called:

(Garra rufa)

These guys suck the dead skin off your feet. The fish are known as "Doctorfish" and are quite popular throughout the world. Some go as far to bathe with these little suckers. At the beginning, I was very squeamish, because these little devils tickle! But I've never been too keen at getting the toe jam out of my own feet, so I overcame the torturous tickling.

(Meg's feet to the left)

Yes those are inch long fish biting Meg's feet. These little biters are called:

(Well, if you have eagle eyes you can read it! They are called Chin Chin. (they don't have a wiki page yet))

(My ugly, not to mention hairy feet)

Chin Chin's were by far the better fish. You could feel them nibble away. I mean, you could feel them chomping down taking chunks out of your heel. Actually, you could just feel them nibble. My gigantic feet were the prize for them as well. I averaged twice as many fish per foot than other people around the fish pool. I thought letting the soap water rinse down the rest of my body in the shower was enough to get all the dead skin off, but apparently I was mistaken. (Does that even count as a washing?) Did it hurt? No. It was unnerving at first, but after three minutes the shock wore off and it became normal. Were your feet soft? My feet have never been softer.

This was an awesome experience that I recommend for anyone. In fact, what is better than sipping a White Russian while getting your feet munched on by tiny chomping piranhas?


scott said...

you think one of these would go over big in columbia? well, maybe not, but I bet it would in austin. hmmm

Unknown said...


I'm not sure if this website will work, but it talks about how Texas has banned fish pedicures due to hygienic concerns...ridiculous