Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm seeing red. It's not because I'm mad either. When Meg's parents get here in the middle of April, they're taking us to China! I'm going to the red state next month; we're heading for Beijing! I already got my visa*. This is really happening. I'll try and buy as many knock off luxury items as possible.

* 105 dollars just to travel in China for a week! I can't believe it costs that much money just to get inside the country! I have used way too many exclamation points so far.

Maybe the knock off luxury items will be a thrill, but I'm really excited to walk along the dragon's back. A trip to China couldn't even be considered to be complete without a visit to The Great Wall.

I'm very excited about this trip, even the food. The food in Korea is pretty out there based on my western experiences. Koreans will tell you how crazy China's food is! There is even an old Korean joke, "Chinese people will eat everything except the legs off the table." Just look at this great picture of gigantic grasshoppers and "yummy" scorpions. I'll try one of each...maybe.

More on China later...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The worst part about the Chinese visa costing so much is that U.S. citizens have to pay more than everyone else! What?!?!