Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Got Crabs

And from the looks of it, I got a pretty bad case....

Meg and I headed down south for a snow crab festival in UlJin. We had a marvelous time. Spring has finally arrived and the weather cooperated beautifully. Cherry Blossoms, in full bloom, lined the festival streets. We ate freshly caught crab, handled the little beasts (see above), and released groupers into the sea (it is good luck to do so). We also are now part of the Guinness book of World Records. No Big Deal...

Being a part of a worldwide record smashing has never been on my life to do list, but it should have been! This gimbap stretched for miles, and I honestly can't tell you how long it was. Was it that big? Yes, it was, and the announcing was done in Korean so I missed the official total.
Now, I'm apart of history! I might just buy a copy of the 2009 Guinness Book of World Records. I only have a year to claim the throne as one of the many makers of the World's Longest Gimbap, because next year, at the Uljin Snow Crab Festival, they will make an even longer gimbap. Bittersweet I know...

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