Friday, December 26, 2008

나 아파요 ㅜㅜ

The title translated = I am sick. I mean I got the flu. I don't remember the last time I had the flu, but holy shit, I don't know if I have had it this bad before. I spent all weekend in the fetal position shivering under blankets. I am now in day 5 of this son of a gun, and it has regressed to a really bad cold. A couple of weeks ago, we switched Tuesday night poker to Monday. So, every Tuesday morning, my apartment has a bunch of beer bottles littered throughout the apartment from the 6-8 players the night before. Well, this Tuesday morning, the beer was replaced by a weekend's worth of powerade bottles and tissues, leaving my apartment equally as trashed.

Meg, who was doing her best to stay away and still comfort me at the same time, is predictably as sick as a dog right now. I have always had this ability to get anyone close to me sick whenever I am sick. Growing up, I would catch a cold, then give it to my mom who would in turn give it to Dave. Or was Dave already sick? I can't remember he's usually sick for half of the winter anyway. I probably don't wash my hands and don't cover my mouth enough. As Dave says, "you always got to be touching something." Sorry.

I'm all hopped up on medicine, and I'm feeling a little crazy. I am working on about three hours of sleep, and Survivor Gabon takes the fall for that. I have never spent anytime watching any of the Survivors, so I don't know if Gabon is a new or old season. All I know is that I spent the bulk of the night between 1-6 in the morning either watching the show or thinking about it.

Here were some of the questions that popped up in my mind: What strategic alliances would I pursue? How would I handle certain personalities? Take Kenny for example, the guy is a shyster, right? A swindler, but he's a player and I like that. Yes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Okay, I lost it for a second, but I'm back on track. Meg and I had a wonderful Christmas in Seoul. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe. So, I have now been to McDonald's and Hard Rock Cafe in three different continents. Unfortunately, this was the worst Hard Rock I have been to food wise. The chicken was a tad bit dry, and my french dip was a bit too rosemaryie. But the atmosphere was great as always. We took our time and enjoyed each other's company. Then we headed out to the best mall of Korea.

Christmas is a national holiday and every body has the day off, so every other person in Korea apparently wanted to head toward the best mall in Korea as well. If you think traffic is bad on Christmas in the states, Great Gatsby, come to Korea. I don't even like walking with that many people around me. I truly get freaked out. The movie theatre was crowded beyond belief, and all the shows were sold out till like 10; it was 4 in the afternoon. We folded our cards and headed to the only place that would cheer me up: The Arcade. Meg and I engaged in an intense battle for basketball supremacy via a basketball shooting arcade. She won and took my man hood with her.

The day was exactly what I needed, a little R&R. Meg's mother did a fantastic job, and sent us quite a bit of presents. So we had a gift exchange that was reminiscent of our family tradition. We both had Santa hats on, and after every gift opening I would yell out, "let's hear it for the..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your writing is really evolving/improving.