Monday, December 1, 2008

A difference

I have seen 7 movies in Korea, and I've come up with a unique way to tell if I liked the movie. If I really liked the movie, then something different happens once the lights come on. I completely forget my surroundings, and am shocked to see that I am one of two non-Asians in the theater. (Meg being the other) Think about it for a second, when you are watching a good movie the world disappears. So, once those lights turn on, I am expecting to see a bunch of white people rushing out to the parking lot to drive home, not a bunch of Asians rushing to an elevator.* During a good movie, I forget that I am in Asia. Bad movies, well, I remember that I am in Asia. I know that I will stand out walking toward the elevator. I know exactly where I am, there is no "escapism" for bad talking pictures.

* Most movie theaters are on the top floors of department stores. The movie theater I go to is on the 11th and 12th floor, so there is not way I am hoofing down to the bottom, and no one else is thinking about walking either. This results in a rat race to the elevator, pure pandemonium. I don't think I have caught the first elevator yet!!

My DMZ post will be later this week, once I load the pictures that I took.

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