Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Lazy Man

Here's a visual of the man behind the infamous attempted wig stealing:

(of course I had to find the most ridiculous picture, but I must say he certainly looks like a man that would drop his pants in an arcade without being accused)

I'm going to tell you something that you may or may not know about me; I happen to be one of the laziest men in Seoul. Seoul's population is over 20 million people, so I'm defiantly in contention for laziest man in the world, right? But my laziness is cyclical, and right now I happen to be in a rut or a recession if you will.* It all started when I got sick, or should I trace it all the way back to when Meg's friends arrived from America? Whatever the case may be, my closet has thrown up all over my room. Literally just spewing dirty clothes everywhere. My bag of laundry is overflowing, and I have used the same towel to dry off for about two months. It's so bad that if I go 1 more day, I'm going to have to find the least dirty pair of drawers I have and wear them inside out, or borrow a pair from Meg.

*How many time was The Big Lebowski referenced in that last paragraph? I might just have to watch it tonight... No I must clean.

Are you still with me or did you just throw up like my closet? Of course I am exaggerating (a little) but I am going to conquer my laziness tonight with some good hard work. Unlike the government, it appears as if Meg doesn't sympathize with a struggling man, no bailouts for me.

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