Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Weekend

I have great and exciting news*, Meg and I are attending an Ice Fishing Festival 3 hours eastnorth** of Seoul. Here is the official website. I especially like this part, "Among the side events planned are ice skating, ice sledding, snow sledding, snow castle building, snow sculptures, bobsledding, ice tubing, ice bumper cars, ice biking, snowman photo exhibits, sledding classes, ice soccer, an “ice train” and more."

* I did a load of laundry last night taking a bite out of the workload. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day...I decided my mess wasn't getting cleaned in a day either.

**I just coined this phrase east north three minutes ago. We are primarily heading east, so I thought why not honor East as the main cardinal direction of our voyage, hence eastnorth.

(Here is what Korean's call the ice tunnel, foreigners call it the Death Tunnel, because there is no way that you can make it through the tunnel without falling at least twice.)

I love sledding, and I think that bobsledding is going to take this love to another level. And how much fun does ice bumper cars sound? We signed up with a group and the cost is only 80 dollars including lodging, transportation, and meals!

Ice fishing was actually on the Life-To-Do list, so I get to cross this off in a big way. Actually, I'm still thinking about Canada for ice fishing. I just know there is going to be a hundred thousand people on this River ice fishing, which is not exactly what I had in mind for my ideal ice fishing experience, (nature, solitude, beauty) but I am very excited to go on this trip.

This part scares me though.

This is a picture of an underground tank filled up with frigid water and trout. The object is to jump in the water and grab as many of the trout as you can. The catch is that the water is freezing making every bodily movement you try useless, and you're wearing shorts, and the fish are slimy. And I HATE cold water.

Story Time
The Irish are tough, and they know they are tough. They have had to deal with more hardships than any other Western European nation, so they are calloused to pain. They also like to tell you that YOU"RE not tough. My boss told me that I couldn't swim in the Irish Sea. He said I was too skinny, and I was too delicate to handle the cold temperatures. He bet me 50 quid that I wouldn't do it.

Well, I did.

And it was AWFUL. I was miserable. Meg asked me how it was, and I couldn't even muster a WORD! I was so cold or something that I couldn't talk. My legs felt like they were full of cement, and I thought I might die. Then, Meg jumps in and swims around like a mermaid having the time of her life. Emasculated, I didn't even want to collect from my boss that called me a wuss and was right. So, yeah, I absolutely hate cold water and am counting on soju to help brave the tank of death. Mark my words*, I will catch more fish than Meg, and finally restore my manliness.

*Sounds like a dare Harry

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