Friday, January 30, 2009


This really hits home. Read this! While white, hopefully I don't boast about my spirtual enlightenment. At least I'm in the entrepreneurial category, so screw the innovators!

Man, this is an even better one! I don't know how many times I have seen overly excited Korean's ask me in their native tongue if I speak Korean. I of course say, "조금" or "jo keum" which means a little. Without hesitation, these Korean's will rapid fire a response that is way beyond my meagor comprehension, and then I will have to stare at them blankly. They understand this stare. The exictement on their face vanishes and is replaced with a look that can be best described as a look a seven year old boy has when he learns that his puppy ate his dad's penny loafer and choked to death. Utterly disappointed, the Korean might try a last ditch effort to communicate with me in Korean, once that attempt fails, we both stare at eachother and wonder what to do next.

I have never promised to learn Korean, although almost everybody that comes to Korea does promise to learn it, and the majority of them are white.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm not sure if you wrote this first, or I the last email I sent you... but I mentioned that I'm learning spanish to talk to taco stand vendors. I AM SO WHITE.