Saturday, January 3, 2009


Okay, well, I still am a woman writer even after my profane penis story. I think that the site is full of it, and some program flips a binary coin; o or 1. My first second job was cancelled. I just can't get another one. Here's some great news from Meg's side though: She won the best foreign teacher award for out company. Olympiad has about 200 employees, and all 200 of us were treated to an end of the year party in a banquet hall. In this setting, Meg beat out 40 or so foreign teachers to win a crystal plaque and a 500 dollar gift certificate!! AWESOME!!

She also got another job. She writes out the dialogue from CNN audio clips. I think she gets 30 bucks for each typing. If anyone is prospering from this trip, it has to be Meg. She is simply thriving. She has a number of jobs, she won this great award, she is surrounded with friends that she recruited, and she is respected by all our colleagues. And she gets to listen to her three favorite bands: Rain, Wonder Girls, and Big Bang. Korean's love their pop music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Meg! I'm starting to wonder if you'll ever come back. Keep up the good work of making chriiiiii-ous look bad. He'll understand that spelling, I think. I wish the best to you both in 2009, even though it's going to be the most aweful, terrible economic meltdown tragedy shitstorm we've ever seen... but that's just me trying to be optimistic.