Sunday, August 10, 2008

Where art thou readers?

Housekeeping- Ten posts into this adventure and already the readers have gone silent. Except for a couple of faithful roommates, I have been receiving crickets on my latest entries. To make this more interactive, there will be a weekly poll. Everybody needs to participate. Also, I have added a subscription link at the bottom of the blog. I think that if you subscribe you will receive e-mail notifications whenever I post.

A little thing...
One of life's little joys back home for me was catching green lights. Waiting for a stoplight is never fun, but it is tolerable for the times you fly through the lights. It's also a pleasure, because my biggest pet peeve is to be waiting at a light for no reason. For example: a car takes a right on a red light, so now the lane is empty. The light still registered the car and gives the empty lane a green light. You were driving to the light and now have a red light for an empty line, thus wasting your time and gas! Needless!

Here I am never in a car, and when I am in a car it's a taxi. Apparently, traffic laws are merely suggestions for cabby's. They are above the rules. Anytime I am in a cab we'll go through reds at high speeds. Near death experiences are the norm in a cab. I buckle up not as a precaution, here if I am not fully harnessed I will die, similar to a looping, twisting, head rattling roller coaster ride. Buckling is mandatory. I have even begun to look at cab rides as roller coasters. Dan, a friend of mine has been in two car accidents in Asia, both occurred when cabby's ran red lights. One time was a pretty minor accident, but I use the term minor loosely because the car was still destroyed. Dan hit his head on the window pretty hard. The second was major. Requiring surgeries and he even suffered a severe concussion. He thinks that the concussion has led to him being more emotional and even depression, which is a symptom of concussions. A pretty crummy deal. Although the cabby's are horrible drivers, and I have already confirmed the Asian stereotype on their driving skills, Dan's case is isolated. So don't worry! What's the point of life without a little risk? I can tell you this, whatever destination I arrive at I appreciate a little more and have just that much more fun. * So I never get to appreciate catching traffic signals.

* Speaking of risk, Zach has had blowfish before, and I can not wait to try it. He says that every one in seventy five will poison you. Any food you eat has the potential to be fatal, I just saw that the FDA recalled 1.2 million pounds of beef!! Just think of how many cows that is!! Our food system is awful, guess how many times I have had fast food over here. ONCE! That's right I have only had french fries once in a month. I'll stop my rant on America's food system before it really materializes. Back to blowfish, knowing that one and out of every seventy five fish can possibly take your life, wow, that's living! Think how much you would appreciate that delicacy, just from the simple fact that you SURVIVED. I had TWO very unusual food items, and in attempt to get some comments from you, I will leave you a couple hints. Try and guess what I had. Good Luck!

(1) I had these two items in a tuna house.

(2) One was a delicacy.

(3) The chef brought the other one out especially for us. It was a liquid.

Okay the joy of catching green lights has been replaced by catching elevators. You would not believe how much of my day is revolved around catching elevators. I have meant to count how many times I ride an elevator each day, but I keep forgetting. I would guess around ten times or more. The majority of buildings I'm in are skyscrapers. My apartment has four elevators that are consistently going the opposite way I need to go, or they are ten floors apart from me. I'm always waiting. That's why when you catch an elevator on the same floor as you, going the same way, I know I will have a good day. Oh, the little things in life...


Unknown said...

Well Chris, I think you have officially worried everyone to death about our safety in cabs. I wouldn't compare the rides to a roller coaster - but it is pretty frightening when they blow through red lights. If it eases anyone's minds - we hardly ever take cabs. We mainly use the subway. So far I haven't had any near death experiences in a cab - yet.

Terry Sulsen said...

Does poll=test? If so, you need to come down from your "I'm a teacher now" power trip.
Blowfish sounds tasty. I've always wanted to eat some since I was really little and had a book about fish that talked about how deadly blowfish were to eat. Weird kid= weird books.... or should that be the other way around.
Also, I don't know if I even want to ride in cabs over here anymore after those horror stories.

Unknown said...

Speaking of food - I think everyone should check out all of the health benefits Miso soup has for you. I have been eating it now on a daily basis and strongly advise everyone else to eat it too!

*Reduces risks of cancer including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

*Protection from radiation

*Immune strengthening

*Antiviral -- miso is very alkalizing and strengthening to the immune system helping to combat a viral infection.

*Prevents aging - high in antioxidants, miso protects from free radicals that cause signs of aging.

*Helps maintain nutritional balance - full of nutrients, beneficial bacteria and enzymes, miso provides: protein, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin E, vitamin K, tryptophan, choline, dietary fiber, linoleic acid and lecithin.

*Helps preserve beautiful skin - miso contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps your skin stay soft and free of pigments.

*Helps reduce menopausal complaints - the isoflavones in miso have been shown to reduce hot flashes

Derek Black said...

You need to get more creative with your polls. I mean, South Korea vs. Canada? There is a real nail-biter. I wonder who will do better, Poland or Sweden?

tell me a time you want to do the fantasy football draft (if you will have time for it)

But seriously though, is South Korea doing pretty good in Medals?

Lloyd said...

South Korea has been fading lately. They were a solid third for a long time. They dominate archery events and a hodgepodge of other events. They'll finish around tenth beating Canada rather easily.