Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cell Phone Power

My friend Ramsey posted this on Facebook awhile ago, and I thought I would add it here. This is just nuts! Think of what cell phones are doing to your brain, if they can do this: http://www.koreus.com/video/telephone-portable-mais-popcorn.html

Just Click the Link


Unknown said...

Well I sure am glad that I don't use cell phones anymore!

Anonymous said...

I've heard this is a hoax, but I'm not exactly sure how one would hoax this.
I'm just not going to believe it until I see it. Maybe because in one of the videos I watched, they were using my phone. Denial at its best.

Burgy Bee said...

yeah, this isnt real. they heat it up under the table. who talks on the phone now anyways right? text, text, text!