Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I HAVE HAD WORK to do this week, UGH! It's not just the fact that I don't like work, (I don't) but work is made so much harder when for so long you haven't had to do anything. I've had to grade about 225 book reports this week. Correcting is and are, making words plural, and reading the same thing over and over again should be the new form of torture wherever our new Guantanamo Bay is established. I want to pull my hair out! This week has brought down a whip from the tops of this organization. We now have an intranet system that monitors our every move; I call it the Olympia Skynet. So, I'm beginning to think I might actually have a job, which really, really scares me.

Never the less, time has just been flying for me! I cannot believe that I have almost been in Korea for 7 months! This month will be interesting, a changing of the guards if you will. Zach, John, Ramsey, and Steven are all leaving this month. This happens all the time, with people always coming and going, after all, we're just bound to one year contracts. People often take off a month after completion of the contract.* So, John and Zach are leaving us to fend for ourselves, and they are irreplaceable friends. Their vacancies offer new chances for friendships though, and life will go on.

*I have been giddy today as I plan a Southeast Asia trip for the middle of July. One week of working has driven me to plan a vacation. The information I've been reading just sounds heavenly. We're going to head out on a three week trip to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. Three weeks you say, isn't that a bit overkill? The answer is a resounding no! When $10 a day will turn you into a king in Laos we might just have to stay longer. Laos is cheap, beautiful, and IN MY FUTURE. Here's a site that will give you a little detail on this magnificent country. What we're going to do for sure in Laos
  • Ride and bathe an elephant in the jungle
  • White water raft (10 dollars for the trip)
  • Relax in the jungle and drink .25 cent fruit shakes
Skiing -
I have been a skiing fool for the last two weeks, making it to the slopes both weekends. Round trip transportation, (4 hrs. total) ski rentals, and afternoon and night lift tickets cost only 75 dollars a day! I almost can't afford not to, especially considering how far we are from any mountains in Kansas City, so I plan on going to the slopes at least two more times.

Meg and I also went trekking along an ice river with a tour group, and stayed the night in a mushroom shaped cabin. Mushrooms were the theme of the complex we stayed at, and it looked very psychedelic if you ask me, literally right off the pages of Alice in Wonderland or something.

I need a designer, my layout skills are awful. Pre-published posts are always different looking than post-published posts too, so I never know how the pictures will turn out, making captions pointless. That being said, here they are:

The mushroom statue picture; perhaps a bit phallic?
The frozen river with footprints; isn't that a gorgeous shot, simply beautiful.
Me on the frozen river with footprints; yes I ruined it!
Mushroom cabin; strange! Everything was mushroom shaped including benches, chairs, buildings, fire pits, and the actual cabins!
The last picture was taken at a particularly thin point in the river. Paul (from Scotland) and I are head first in the river drinking some fresh spring fed mountain water. The water was so cold and delicious. Knowing how much I hate the cold water, it was perhaps a bit brazen of me to get right over thin ice, but the tour guide did it so... When in Korea...

I love skiing so much. It was one of my favorite things to do. Skiing is the icing on the cake of my Korean experience.

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