Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Koreans vs. Americans

I read this book on the can the other day*, and the book's thesis compared the differences between Koreans and their American counterparts. It was designed to point out the differences without presenting biases one way or the other. And it can be boiled down to this, Americans think that Koreans are rude and Koreans think that Americans are ignorant to Korean culture. I completely concur with this thesis too. Koreans may be the rudest culture in the world, but I'm getting to like the men hocking up loogies, last night's dinner, next year's kidney stone, their pancreas, and whatever else they can get up on the sidewalk. Oh, I also loved being shoved in the back by 100 year old women that are so bent their bodies form an upside L.

*Sorry for the phrase "on the can" though I have to admit it's one of my favorite phrases. And you must admit, a certain reading on the john phenomena exists. People that haven't picked up a book since high school will gladly read while going to the bathroom. Gross, I know, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Reading seems more interesting when you're handling your business. Unfortunately, I know I've read People and Good Housekeeping in this setting. Both those magazines don't interest me in the slightest, (well... okay, once in a while I have to keep tabs on Brangelina in People) but "on the can" I'll read an article on decorating a Vermont cottage likes it's the Sports page. No one has ever talked about this openly, but how many houses have you been in where you actually see a receptacle for older magazines in the bathroom? Once again, I'm sorry for the digression that has nothing to do with Korea or my experiences.

In other news, that short little pesky North Korean, you know, he who must not be named is appearing in the news quite often, testing the Obama team as much as possible. Remember back on the campaign trail, when Biden let this infamous line slip out:(paraphrasing) "Mark my words, Obama will be tested." I sure hope Biden's not a fortuneteller and North Korea isn't the country doing the testing, because, well, I will die if they are. There's a strong probability of my death if Seoul is attacked, anyways. The only well-funded organization in N. Korea is the army, and it's scary big. If you haven't heard about the North Korean stirrings, then I guess you are living in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan. CNN news's hot topics section has North Korea third ahead of Iraq and Afghanistan. Yikes!

With the tensions mounting, you would think that Seoul would be practicing drills or running through what if scenarios. I know in the 70's, there were nuclear bomb drills. My kids have never heard of any kind of bombing drills. I just asked my neighboring Korean teachers if they even cared about what the North says, and they don't. Not at all. I got two shrugs, a smile, and the same three words; I don't care.

Hey, living in a war zone has its drawbacks, but when in Korea...

Grab Your Glocks

My Obama campaign poster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll even read the sports page like it's an article about decorating a Vermont cottage.